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MoonWhenShesHungry..O_O Empty MoonWhenShesHungry..O_O

Post  Moon Sat Jul 10, 2010 4:06 am

Moon crept quietly into the dark alley the rubbish bin was in.
The fresh stench of humans rubbish filled the air, old stale pizza, diapers, cat food, fish, and much more. Moon darted over to the bin, she stood up on her hind paws and lifted herself up, she touched the bin with her nose and sniffed deeply. She wrinkled up her nose and peered in. She thought with disgust but her stomach rumbled loudly and ached with pain. She quickly dove into the bin and grabbed which ever she could, she ran out of the ally with a old stale fish.

Posts : 16
Join date : 2009-09-26
Age : 28
Location : KIDSWOW!!! XD

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Pack: kidswow! No other!
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