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Shadow's Trouble's

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Shadow's Trouble's Empty Shadow's Trouble's

Post  ShadowpawWolf Wed Jun 02, 2010 4:58 pm

I'm righten my half! :P
Part 1:
I was running crying my father was going to kill me for my own good.
He said I was going to die anyways or have to join my mother in the shadow land. I was never going to die,not yet anyways.I was heading nowhere,going on forever in endlessness.I heard gun shots as I whized past.I suddly felt a powerful pain in my shoulder.I was running faster now,bleeding,feeling like I could fall,but I ethier lived with pain or died.I chose option,"Live with pain," I thought that would be easier,even though it would be nice with no pain.About my mother,she was a shadow wolf.Forced to work for evil wolves.My father only wanted best he didn't want me to live like that and they were after me now,espically after what I did.I tried to get her back and killed two shadow wolves,now they were ticked off.So back to me.Running running,bleeding bleeding,dieing dieing.Then I came to a two-leg city.I smiled jumped into the aly and hid.I knew he wouldn't dare come into city,not after his experence with cars.
Can't wait for part 2!XD

Posts : 19
Join date : 2010-05-31
Age : 25
Location : Kidswow duh.-_-

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Shadow's Trouble's Empty Re: Shadow's Trouble's

Post  ShadowpawWolf Fri Jun 04, 2010 4:12 pm

Part 2:
I was there all night.I sleept better then when I was a small pup with my father,so this was longer then 5 minutes.I woke up to see a few cats not much to eat.But then I smelled it.The best thing a mixture of all these smells.It was in this big contaner I couldn't not eat some.I hopped into it.Their was a feast.I ate almost everything ecept the thing that smelled like fox dung,it was white and had to holes kinda like a hat but I didn't touch it.Another wolf came up to me.He barked.He said hello.His name was Jinx.He asked me if he could be my mate and I agreed so fast.We showerd each other with licks and told each other our stories then one day he went away.Another wolf came up then.Her name was Eclipse.She said he was dead.I cried and cried.I couldn't stand the thought.Then he came back and we shared more stories as we attacked her.My one happy ending,but I had more coming for me.

Posts : 19
Join date : 2010-05-31
Age : 25
Location : Kidswow duh.-_-

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Shadow's Trouble's Left_bar_bleue100/100Shadow's Trouble's Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

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Shadow's Trouble's Empty Re: Shadow's Trouble's

Post  ShadowpawWolf Wed Aug 04, 2010 6:14 pm

Part 3:
Well I was with MoonFall now.With my mate.
It seemed happy,but I had a break down and went out of the alpha state into the omega,but I'm just too loved to stay their.Ala and Star agreed to let me stay.I changed happy with my pack.And I knew we would rule the forest.

Posts : 19
Join date : 2010-05-31
Age : 25
Location : Kidswow duh.-_-

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Shadow's Trouble's Left_bar_bleue100/100Shadow's Trouble's Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

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