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Introducing Contests

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Introducing Contests Empty Introducing Contests

Post  ShootingStarWolf Fri Aug 06, 2010 9:11 am

I'm starting up the Contests on Kidswow! This is a big surprise, that I'm sure everyone will enjoy! Though there are some rules to account for, it's still plenty of fun to participate in these Contests. Get ready to read some rules! X3


Anyone can join a contest.

Only one contest entry may be made per person

You will have the first two days of the Contest introduction to sign up

After you sign up you may resign.

You may switch out your entry if you get no votes for it. But once you get a vote your entry cannot be changed.

Voters may vote for one person's contest entry, and may only vote once per contest.

No further sign-ups can be made once the first two days are up

No censored content is allowed in a contest entry.

No plagiarism will be tolerated. And of this and your entry will be deleted along with your votes. You will also be taken out of the contest and any other contest, and face account banning.

No cheating. You may not make new accounts and vote for yourself, nor can you vote forself with the entered account.

Contestants may vote for another entry, but not their own.

Voters may not make multiple accounts to vote for an entry

Entries may only be used once, once another contest is issued you must use a different entry.

Please have fun and follow the rules! No cheating and no making fun!

Posts : 205
Join date : 2009-10-24
Age : 28
Location : In the Kidswow Forest watching for Up-Walkers

Character sheet
Pack: MoonFall (Star) MoonLight (Halo)
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