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Chapter 1 Of Kidswow's Book

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Chapter 1 Of Kidswow's Book Empty Chapter 1 Of Kidswow's Book

Post  BigGoldenEyes Fri Nov 20, 2009 10:04 pm

I glanced back at my friend as my dark emerald eyes filled with fear. "Ala," I choked out "Let's hurry!" I quickly turned back to face the pine trees that hung bent over to form a thin and small path. The night was quiet I only herd the pounding of my heart. I could have sworn it felt as though it was about to jump out of my white body.

I ran as fast as I possibly could. My heart pounded in her chest, and she could here the gunshots and yelling of men. I think I herd Moon's heart too. My muscles ached with pain, for I had been running for an hour’s herd the men get closer and snarled as we swirled through the forest.

The men were so close now, I could almost taste them. Ala glanced back and saw they were only yards away. My large fluffy paws thudded down repeatedly on the dusty, dirty ground she ran as fast as I could. I looked behind me, and saw a man dressed in a red top, that was slightly stained with black marks around the arms and long black pants his hair was black but greasy it clung around the sides of his face. My face went sore and I felt pressure on my chest. I saw a tree above me. I was staring up to the sky, and I jumped up onto my feet. "Oww!" I yowled in pain as I looked at my hurt front paw. It was broken and I knew it. "Ala," I cried. "I can't walk on my paw!"

My ears rang with Moon's yowl. Moon yelped again. I herd cages clinging. I then realized that men were still after her and I.
I growled, ”Get up!" as I glanced at the men just yards away. Moon moaned as I tugged on her. We herd the clanging of cages.
Suddenly, I felt as if I had been hit with a baseball bat. Everything went blank and my body hurt. I herd the clanging noise and felt someone toss me into a small cage. When I could finally see again, I saw what had hit me--I had been tackled by one of the men. I looked at my best friend and saw she was in a cage too. Moon wasn't even struggling. She just laid in the cage quietly. I whimpered helplessly. "Moon?" I chocked out, nearly out of breath. Moon glanced at me. My golden eyes searched the room. The men loaded us up in the back of a pick up truck, and we herd the roar of the engine. I closed my eyes, and fell into a sorrowful sleep.

Bright lights flashed into my eyes I quickly glanced around myself. I wasn't in the forest anymore. I looked above myself. Metal bars. I looked to my sides. More metal bars. I looked to my left and saw Ala she was snoozing. "Ala.. Where are we?" I said quietly trying not to speak to loudly. "What are these metal bars all around me?" I tried to stand up but her paw throbbed with too much pain and as I sat up her head had hit the roof made of bars. "Oww!" I yelped. "Where are we at what are these bar things that hurt?" I decided to calm down and relax... well try, anyway. I rested my head down on her paws gently and smiled faintly as Ala stirred slightly. I saw Ala's beautiful golden eyes open. I signed with relief.

I stared at a man with a white coat on, blue rubber gloves on, and an odd neck-less looking thing around his neck. He was smiling. He dumped moon out of the cage. Moon yowled as she landed on her hurt paw, then she showed her teeth at the man. The man patted her head, and she cowed away from him. He looked in her ears, mouth, eyes, nose, and even put a bandage on her paw. He put Moon back in the cage and moved on to me. He did the same.
The men loaded us into the pick-up truck and drove somewhere else. This time, it was a lady with long, shiny black hair and glittery blue eyes. She heaved me up and put me in a tub of water. I freaked out and snapped at her. The lady smiled at her and petted me, and rubbed shampoo, conditioner, and some stuff to keep flea's out in my fur. Moon yowled and struggled when she put her in. The men once again, loaded us into the pick up truck. They drove for many hours before they reached a place with many people. One of the men wrote something on a poster board and waved it at people as they passed. A lady with light brown lair and cold blue eyes walked up to us. She had a white stick in her mouth, and when she took it out, she blew smoke in our face’s. Moon snarled, and I flinched away from the smoke. The lady threw the smoking stick on the ground, and stepped on it with her foot. She popped some gum in her mouth and smacked it--not chewed, smacked it--And she smirked at us. She pulled some wadded up cash out of her purse and handed it to the man that kept us.

My bright eyes looked at the lady. I growled and started to claw at the cages that we were in. "Let us out!" I was screaming inside my head. "We are wolves! We don't belong in cages!" I thought furiously. The lady looked at us and smiles bitterly. Her teeth were yellow, probably from the smoking stick she looked at the man and then grabbed the cages that we were in, she carried us up a bunch of steps to her enormous truck. As she carried our cages we crashed into the sides smacking our teeth up against the metal and the banging of the cages smashing together filled our ears. "Ala.." I whispered to my friend "Where are we? Who is this lady?" My body was bunched up in the cage and she shook her head sadly as the cage was too small for her.

I whispered to my dear friend, "I don't know where we're going, or who this lady is but we'll be out soon." The lady threw us into the back seats of her truck and drove away wildly. I was so tired of being banged around all day, and had trouble keeping my heavy eyes open. My eyes fluttered, then slowly closed...
I woke, to see I was in a human-nest. I herd blaring heavy mettle from another room. I looked over at moon to see she was asleep. My ears filled with a giggle. I snatched my head to see a 3 year old child. She was the cutest child I'd ever seen. Shopped bangs, black, straight, silky hair that falls to her shoulder, and crystal blue eyes. The infant stuck her hand in my cage. I didn't know if I was to bite her or lick her. I decided since this baby had done nothing to her, I would be nice and lick her. The little girl let out a cheerful shriek, waking Moon up.

I looked up. My head was heavy and sore from being smashed around in the cage all day. My eyes focused on a small girl. The infant's hand was in Ala's cage and Ala was licking her so I figured that she must be friendly. "Ala. Who's that girl?" I asked as she struggled to sit up in the cage. I looked around. "I’m not sure, but isn’t she cute?" Ala barked. posters of skulls and strange signs were in the room, and loud music was playing. I slowly touched her head with my paw "Oww.. I’m going to get a headache if I stay here to much longer" I thought to herself as she kept staring at every inch of the room, Moon shivered nervously and was hoping that the lady with the smoking sticks didn't come back.

I bit the child's hand softly, and she grinned, showing her sparkly, small, white teeth. Suddenly a teenager burst through the door where the loud music was coming from. She had Black hair, and a stern look on her face. "Mom!!!!" she screamed. "WHAT EMMA!?!?!??!" The mom yelled back from another room. Emma yelled, "Going to Cody's house!!!!! Imma call the babysitter!!!! kay???!!!" "Kay!!!" the mom yelled back.
10 minutes after Emma left,the house filled with a 'ding'.The mom went to the door.A woman stood there and spoke softly "I’m here to baby-sit Akuti." the mom scowled "Your late!" and she stormed at the door. The woman played with Akuti, and I watched. The woman stood up and walked into the kitchen, and a thought flashed through my head as I looked at the opened window.

I glared over at Ala and saw her staring at the open window, I smiled faintly and I knew what she wanted to do. Akuti’s eyes locked on me her black hair swirled around as a small gust of wind blew through the room "Ala, are you thinking of.." My voice trailed off as the Akuti smiled. It made me stop in my track. she had clean white teeth and a cute smile I laughed softly and smiled as I looked again around the room. I could hear the babysitter in the kitchen, plates, cups, knifes, forks and allsorts were banging together and making a lot of noise, I whined I covered my ears with my paws.

I nodded at Moon and smiled. "Akuti?" I said softly. Akuti looked at me. "Yes?" she said her tiny voice. I was shocked that she understood me. I looked at moon, wide eyed. Moon had the same expression on her face. "Can you go get the babysitter's keys?" Moon asked sweetly. Akuti skipped to the other room. "Kayla, can I pway with your keys??? Please?" we herd her say. She ran back in here with keys in her hands, a huge smile on her face. "Smart kid." I said, looking at Moon. Moon agreed. "Look for the newest keys, okay?" I told her. Akuti flipped through the keys. "House keys, work keys, our house keys, car keys, my bedroom keys, bathroom keys, New keys!" she said, holding up the new key. "You know hot to work a lock?" I asked quickly. She nodded and stuck the key in the lock and opened the cage door.

The doors to our cages flung open, I dived out of my cage and stretched my legs and arms. I smiled happily "Thanks Akuti" My arms and legs were sore and ached with pain from being in a cage like 100 times to small. I glared over at Ala she was just getting out of her cage, my paws felt strange on the floor of the room "Hmm.." I said and I clawed at it "This stuff is soft" my claws tarred through the carpet and I accidentally made a huge whole in the carpet "Woops.." I whispered and ran over beside Ala and Akuti. "Sooo.. What's the plan? Jump out the window and run?" I bent my ears back and slowly took a few steps backwards, listening and also looking behind me I quickly poked my head into the kitchen. Kayla, the babysitter stood at the bench. She was cutting crusts off some white looking square and she was softly humming. I quickly pulled my head back around and looked at Ala "She’s cutting a white square thing I don't think we have to much time left to escape"

"Okay, lets go Moon! Than you so much Akuti!" I rasped out. We darted to the window. Akuti hollered at us "Wait! Take me with you!". I considered it. "She'll starve if she stays with us!" Moon said impatiently. "Imma wing it." I barked and darted over to Akuti and grabbed her by her shirt and swung her on top of my back. I flew out the window. "AKUTI!!!" I herd the babysitter scream out the window, and as I turned around she jumped out of the window and ran. "RUN!!!" I howled at Moon.

Last edited by BigGoldenEyes on Mon May 31, 2010 3:06 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Age : 26
Location : at kidswow, in te caveh

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Chapter 1 Of Kidswow's Book Empty Re: Chapter 1 Of Kidswow's Book

Post  ShadowpawWolf Mon May 31, 2010 8:08 am

Please add me into it!XD
Or just like find me or somethen!XD

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Chapter 1 Of Kidswow's Book Empty Re: Chapter 1 Of Kidswow's Book

Post  ShootingStarWolf Sun Jun 06, 2010 8:15 am


Cool, the baby sitter has my middle name! :D

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Join date : 2009-10-24
Age : 28
Location : In the Kidswow Forest watching for Up-Walkers

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Pack: MoonFall (Star) MoonLight (Halo)
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