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The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow.

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The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow. Empty The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow.

Post  ShootingStarWolf Sun Jun 06, 2010 8:31 am

(I thought I'd post this up just to remember the story-line, I want to keep remembering the events that happened, and the order they happened, it's pretty hard though, remembering the order, because all of this happened a year ago :| But hey, it's worth a try, right?)

Star sniffed the air. She was on a hunting patrol with Ala, Shadow, Eclipse, and Izzy. A few days passed since Star joined the pack, she was called ShootingStar until Shadow gave her the nickname of Star. She was pretty suprised at how much they trusted her, she always spoke with Ala and hung out at the river with her, they did this everyday, and Star was perfectly happy. Just yesterday Ala found two crystals in the cave, she hid them and the only wolf she told about them was Star. The white she-wolf felt thrilled to have the trust of one of the Alpha's, one as deep as the bond they shared. Everyday new wolves joined the pack and Star felt as if she could boss anyone around, being so close to THE bosses.
Right now Star ran beside Izzy, Shadow and Ala were always in the front, Eclipse in the middle. Eclipse seemed a little bossy, having Shadows favor it seemed. They joined the pack on the very same day, Eclipse joined a little earlier in the day than Star, and Star felt as if she were an alpha, always padding along so confidently. She didn't like Eclipse, not atall. It's not that she was jelous, it was just that Eclipse was mean, though she had no right to be.
"Halt!" Shadow barked out the comand, her voice was grave. The fur on Stars' back bristled, something was wrong, she could sense it clearly.
"What is it Shadow? What do you smell?" Ala had her ears pricked, searching the forest.
"I smell Up-walkers!" Ala flattened her ears at the word, and Star could tell she smelt them now.
"We're so near to the Garden I wouldn't be suprised. We should go deeper into the forest, there will be more prey there." She held her head high, ears pricked again. Her rights as Alpha shownig clearly in her stunning golden eyes.
"Are we going to fight?" Izzy piped, her gaze sweeping the forest.
"I sure hope not..." Star whispered, this part of the forest seemed suddenly dangerous, and un-welcoming. If Up-Walkers were in the forest, then they may have to move, or kill to keep their territory. She shuddered at either thought.
"Come, we'll go check it out." Shadow was moving toward the Up-Walker Garden. Star flattened her ears, Eclipse must have talked her into investigating. This wasn't like Shadow atall, she wouldn't take risks like this, Up-walkers had guns, they were dangerous!
"What, are you insane!? We are NOT going there! There is no way Shadow, you'll get us all killed!" Ala stood tall, and Shadow rose as well.
"We NEED to see how many there are Ala! There are few of us, Star and Izzy can go back, then we can sneak easier." She took up for her self with a reasonable arguement, it would help if they knew how many Up-Walkers there were, and if they were planning to move into the territory. The wolves could all be prepared to leave and find a new home, but only if they knew what was going on. But still... this could be a trap set out by hunters, there could be dozens of them waiting for the wolves, and they might have guns.
"I'm not leaving you Ala, there could be hunters." Star shook her head. If Ala said she could stay, she would ignore Shadow's word, and stick with the patrol.
"I'm not leaving you either, Star is right." Izzy looked up determindly. Her eyes blazed with loyalty.
Ala dipped her head. "Okay, stay close to me, we can't loose any pack members." The light brown wolf padded forward, standing slightly taller than Shadow.
"Lets go Eclipse." Shadow's black fur ruffled in annoyance.

(And now I'm too lazy to type any more XD)

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The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow. Left_bar_bleue9999999/9999999The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow. Empty_bar_bleue  (9999999/9999999)

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The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow. Empty Re: The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow.

Post  ShootingStarWolf Sun Jun 06, 2010 4:31 pm

The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow. Magena10

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The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow. Left_bar_bleue9999999/9999999The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow. Empty_bar_bleue  (9999999/9999999)

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The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow. Empty Re: The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow.

Post  ShootingStarWolf Tue Jun 08, 2010 7:47 am

The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow. Alawol11
The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow. Moonwo11
The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow. Shooti11

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Pack: MoonFall (Star) MoonLight (Halo)
The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow. Left_bar_bleue9999999/9999999The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow. Empty_bar_bleue  (9999999/9999999)

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The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow. Empty Re: The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow.

Post  ShootingStarWolf Tue Jun 08, 2010 10:36 am

The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow. Star_s10
The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow. Star_s11
The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow. Star_s12
The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow. Star_s13

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Pack: MoonFall (Star) MoonLight (Halo)
The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow. Left_bar_bleue9999999/9999999The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow. Empty_bar_bleue  (9999999/9999999)

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The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow. Empty Re: The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow.

Post  ShootingStarWolf Tue Jun 08, 2010 10:37 am

I wanted to do my eyes first for some reason.. dunno why, but I feel more comfortable drawing myself, I'll redo it with everyone else's after Gem approves it, I'm not sure if only four steps will satisfy an entire blinking animation O-e

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Pack: MoonFall (Star) MoonLight (Halo)
The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow. Left_bar_bleue9999999/9999999The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow. Empty_bar_bleue  (9999999/9999999)

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The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow. Empty Re: The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow.

Post  ShootingStarWolf Fri Jun 11, 2010 2:24 pm

The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow. Gemwol12

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Pack: MoonFall (Star) MoonLight (Halo)
The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow. Left_bar_bleue9999999/9999999The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow. Empty_bar_bleue  (9999999/9999999)

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The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow. Empty Re: The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow.

Post  ShootingStarWolf Fri Jun 25, 2010 10:06 pm

The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow. Jerric10

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The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow. Left_bar_bleue9999999/9999999The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow. Empty_bar_bleue  (9999999/9999999)

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The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow. Empty Re: The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow.

Post  ShootingStarWolf Fri Jun 25, 2010 10:09 pm

The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow. Ala10

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Pack: MoonFall (Star) MoonLight (Halo)
The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow. Left_bar_bleue9999999/9999999The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow. Empty_bar_bleue  (9999999/9999999)

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The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow. Empty Re: The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow.

Post  ShootingStarWolf Tue Jul 20, 2010 7:57 pm

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Said Gryffindor, "We'll teach all those with brave deeds to their name."

Students of Gryffindor are typically brave, daring, and chivalrous. Famous members include Harry, Ron, Hermione, Albus Dumbledore (head of Hogwarts), and Minerva McGonagall (head of Gryffindor).

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Said Ravenclaw, "We'll teach those whose intelligence is surest."

Ravenclaw students tend to be clever, witty, intelligent, and knowledgeable. Notable residents include Cho Chang and Padma Patil (objects of Harry and Ron's affections), and Luna Lovegood (daughter of The Quibbler magazine's editor).

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Said Hufflepuff, "I'll teach the lot, and treat them just the same."

Hufflepuff students are friendly, fair-minded, modest, and hard-working. A well-known member was Cedric Diggory, who represented Hogwarts in the most recent Triwizard Tournament.

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Said Slytherin, "We'll teach just those whose ancestry is purest."

Slytherin students are typically cunning and hungry for power. Important members include Draco Malfoy (Harry's nemesis), Professor Severus Snape (head of Slytherin), and Lord Voldemort.

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Pack: MoonFall (Star) MoonLight (Halo)
The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow. Left_bar_bleue9999999/9999999The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow. Empty_bar_bleue  (9999999/9999999)

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The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow. Empty Re: The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow.

Post  ShootingStarWolf Tue Jul 20, 2010 9:17 pm



Said Gryffindor, "We'll teach all those with brave deeds to their name."

Students of Gryffindor are typically brave, daring, and chivalrous. Famous members include Harry, Ron, Hermione, Albus Dumbledore (head of Hogwarts), and Minerva McGonagall (head of Gryffindor).

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Said Ravenclaw, "We'll teach those whose intelligence is surest."

Ravenclaw students tend to be clever, witty, intelligent, and knowledgeable. Notable residents include Cho Chang and Padma Patil (objects of Harry and Ron's affections), and Luna Lovegood (daughter of The Quibbler magazine's editor).

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Said Hufflepuff, "I'll teach the lot, and treat them just the same."

Hufflepuff students are friendly, fair-minded, modest, and hard-working. A well-known member was Cedric Diggory, who represented Hogwarts in the most recent Triwizard Tournament.

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Said Slytherin, "We'll teach just those whose ancestry is purest."

Slytherin students are typically cunning and hungry for power. Important members include Draco Malfoy (Harry's nemesis), Professor Severus Snape (head of Slytherin), and Lord Voldemort.

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Pack: MoonFall (Star) MoonLight (Halo)
The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow. Left_bar_bleue9999999/9999999The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow. Empty_bar_bleue  (9999999/9999999)

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The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow. Empty Re: The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow.

Post  BigGoldenEyes Tue Jul 20, 2010 10:41 pm

:D cool!

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The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow. Left_bar_bleue99/100The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow. Empty_bar_bleue  (99/100)

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The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow. Empty Re: The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow.

Post  ShootingStarWolf Wed Jul 21, 2010 11:04 am

The first set is mine, and the second is Jonah's

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The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow. Left_bar_bleue9999999/9999999The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow. Empty_bar_bleue  (9999999/9999999)

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Post  HaloWolf Sun Aug 01, 2010 8:32 pm

Thanks! Those are fairly old, but the best Wolf drawings I can do on the cp O-e I'm not all that great at wolves, I prefer to draw pokemon XD

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The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow. Empty Re: The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow.

Post  ShootingStarWolf Thu Aug 05, 2010 7:13 pm

That's pretty nice :P

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The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow. Left_bar_bleue9999999/9999999The Story of ShootingStar the wolf, and how she came to be and Alpha of Kidswow. Empty_bar_bleue  (9999999/9999999)

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